Category: Executive Coaching

THE MINDSET OF A WINNER | The 3 essential elements for succeeding in challenging times

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

In this video I”m sharing with you the 3 most essential elements of the mindset of a winner. As we have started entering the re-opening phase, that we all know it’s going to be a pretty challenging phase. Having a winner’s mindset and get in the field to play and win against the challenges is really of vital importance .

Talking Leadership with Microsoft Central & Eastern Europe General Manager Kostas Loukas

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Having a fireside chat with Kostas Loukas discussing about skills, traits and leader capabilities, how corporate culture impacts productivity, the effectiveness of D&I programs, as well as female / male inequality in the C-level suite. Finally, we discussed why would coaching be needed by a person who’s already at the top management and high-achiever.

Covid19 crisis: Focus on what you can do

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Apart from the restrictions we have during the #covid19 period, and most of us being in a lockdown state, we create our one restrictions to the perspectives and possibilities we have for our business and career by the way we think at this time point?

How? Watch my video to find it out and see what you can do to change that. If you liked this video, hit the like button, share it with your connections and of course subscribe to my channel for more. See you in the next one!

Does feeling fear equal you’re not strong as a leader?

Does feeling fear equal you’re not strong as a leader?

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Uncategorized


A feeling that not only you’re not supposed to show you’re feeling to your team or people you do business with, but you’re not supposed to feel at all, if you’re a successful businessperson or a top-level manager, because it can hurt your powerful image.

Well, this is one of the most suppressing beliefs you might hold. There’s not one person in the world, no matter how powerful or successful he or she is, who doesn’t feel fear, when he or she is about to do something big or unknown or is in front of a sudden change.

Fear is part of our human nature, so don’t try to deceive yourself you’re not feeling it. On the contrary, admitting you’re afraid is very courageous and actually this is the only way you can find the real reason behind it, deal with consciously and decide on the action steps you need to make to handle the situation you’re facing.