Tag: empowerment

Waste less time being being disappointed and invest it in taking action, instead!

Waste less time being being disappointed and invest it in taking action, instead!

in Executive Coaching, Motivation, Self-development

You feel you’re stuck in the middle of your way to success. You don’t see the progress or the results you desire and this makes you disappointed and disempowered to do any task, because you look at the top of your goal, where you’re not at the moment. Taking time to give yourself all the reasons why you are disappointed is a waste of time! How can this help you in practice? Do you find disappointment an effective way to motivate yourself? I don’t think so.read more →

Valentina Kordi at Beirut Life Insurance Summit in Lebanon

Valentina Kordi at Beirut Life Insurance Summit in Lebanon

in Motivation, News, Public Speaking

Valentina Kordi was invited on the 12th October, 2018, to participate as a VIP speaker at the Beirut Life Insurance Summit, in Lebanon, among other international speakers, Tony Gordon, the Icon of the Life Insurance Industry, Attila Solymar, financial advisor, MDRT member and founder of Money and Culture foundation Sukanta Singharoy MDRT MCC Area Chair Eastern India and Chief Creative Consultant, Naji Haddad MDRT MCC Zone Chair Middle East/Africa and BLIS Founder, Fred Belman Executive Financial Consultant and Dalal Harb, yoga teacher, who are top performers and successful professionals in their. read more →