Tag: executive coaching

Others’​ inability to see your worth doesn’t define who you are!

Others’​ inability to see your worth doesn’t define who you are!

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-confidence, Self-development

The business world is a challenging place to be. 10 years ago I left behind the safety of monthly salary to start my own coaching services business for businesspersons and organizations. I have faced many difficulties, since then. An immature domestic market in Greece at the beginning that could not understand the value of coaching in business, were not aware of what podcasts, videos and articles focusing on mindset (my expertise) were, up to a point that they were making fun of my work calling it American bullshit and were resistant to online sessions. read more →

Is your collaboration with your team and your boss challenging? Maybe you’re missing something there…

Is your collaboration with your team and your boss challenging? Maybe you’re missing something there…

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

G. is a manager in a multinational company. Our first meeting started with him complaining about his team and his boss. His direct reports didn’t seem to care enough about their work. “I have to constantly check on them and follow up on everything I assign to them. They don’t take initiatives; they only care to do what’s necessary and never go above the point that will make a difference. I am tired of this situation,” he told me.read more →

How mindset matters to your results

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-confidence, Self-development

What do you do when you try so hard to succeed to get the results you desire, but you don’t get them? What do you do, when you do whatever it takes to handle the changes and challenges this crisis brought to you, but still you don’t seem to make it? What do you do when you fail to inspire and motivate your team, no matter how devoted you are to your role? Actually, is there anything else you could do? read more →

How did we end up like this? From high-performer, disengaged. What to change as a leader to avoid it next time

How did we end up like this? From high-performer, disengaged. What to change as a leader to avoid it next time

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-confidence, Self-development

The route of a high-performer executive in a company is similar to that of a personal relationship. At first, we get excited about this person’s traits. The dynamic personality, the ability to take initiatives, his autonomy, which can sometimes reach the limits of a rebel. These are what lead us to the ardent desire to conquer him. At the same time, however, the intention to adjust these characteristics, once the relationship is tied, to that level, where we will not feel insecure that we cannot control him, but also that we will not be in his shadow and we are not in danger of him seeming more adequate than us, is hidden at the back of our mind. read more →

My “Castaway’s method”: How to enhance your confidence during a crisis

My “Castaway’s method”: How to enhance your confidence during a crisis

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-confidence, Self-development

Most of us are trained to focus on scarcity as a default mode. People with this mindset focus all the time on what’s lacking. The time the don’t have, the resources or even the skills. Especially in times of crisis, the scarcity mindset takes the lead causing feelings of fear, disappointment and helplessness, because one sees only the limitations and what’s not possible to be done, decreasing in this way his or her level of confidence about his or her ability to accomplish goals and overcome challenges.

Growing up in an environment with limited resources that contradicted my personality of not accepting that something is not possible to be done, I developed by myself a way of thinking that later on I named the “Castaway’s method”. Do you want to know what that is? Then keep reading.read more →

THE MINDSET OF A WINNER | The 3 essential elements for succeeding in challenging times

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

In this video I”m sharing with you the 3 most essential elements of the mindset of a winner. As we have started entering the re-opening phase, that we all know it’s going to be a pretty challenging phase. Having a winner’s mindset and get in the field to play and win against the challenges is really of vital importance .

Talking Leadership with Microsoft Central & Eastern Europe General Manager Kostas Loukas

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Having a fireside chat with Kostas Loukas discussing about skills, traits and leader capabilities, how corporate culture impacts productivity, the effectiveness of D&I programs, as well as female / male inequality in the C-level suite. Finally, we discussed why would coaching be needed by a person who’s already at the top management and high-achiever.

Covid19 crisis: Focus on what you can do

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Apart from the restrictions we have during the #covid19 period, and most of us being in a lockdown state, we create our one restrictions to the perspectives and possibilities we have for our business and career by the way we think at this time point?

How? Watch my video to find it out and see what you can do to change that. If you liked this video, hit the like button, share it with your connections and of course subscribe to my channel for more. See you in the next one!