Tag: micromanagement

How did we end up like this? From high-performer, disengaged. What to change as a leader to avoid it next time

How did we end up like this? From high-performer, disengaged. What to change as a leader to avoid it next time

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-confidence, Self-development

The route of a high-performer executive in a company is similar to that of a personal relationship. At first, we get excited about this person’s traits. The dynamic personality, the ability to take initiatives, his autonomy, which can sometimes reach the limits of a rebel. These are what lead us to the ardent desire to conquer him. At the same time, however, the intention to adjust these characteristics, once the relationship is tied, to that level, where we will not feel insecure that we cannot control him, but also that we will not be in his shadow and we are not in danger of him seeming more adequate than us, is hidden at the back of our mind. read more →