Category: Self-development

Talking Leadership with Microsoft Central & Eastern Europe General Manager Kostas Loukas

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Having a fireside chat with Kostas Loukas discussing about skills, traits and leader capabilities, how corporate culture impacts productivity, the effectiveness of D&I programs, as well as female / male inequality in the C-level suite. Finally, we discussed why would coaching be needed by a person who’s already at the top management and high-achiever.

Covid19 crisis: Focus on what you can do

in Executive Coaching, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

Apart from the restrictions we have during the #covid19 period, and most of us being in a lockdown state, we create our one restrictions to the perspectives and possibilities we have for our business and career by the way we think at this time point?

How? Watch my video to find it out and see what you can do to change that. If you liked this video, hit the like button, share it with your connections and of course subscribe to my channel for more. See you in the next one!

What “shines” should not be your next project! How Shiny Object Syndrome can harm your success.

What “shines” should not be your next project! How Shiny Object Syndrome can harm your success.

in Mindset, Motivation, Self-development

3 years ago, I started working with Andrew as his coach. Andrew is a businessman, who has launched many businesses in the past and that was something his is really good at. The thing is that after starting a new business or a project, Andrew would bump into a new great business opportunity he would like to pursuit, which led to neglecting focusing on the next steps and goals he had set for his current business and sooner or later he would decide to give up on it or he would leave his employees taking charge without him being present.

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